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10 Ways to Create Valuable Content for the Post Pandemic New Normal


Work-at-home is STILL the new normal, and home offices have been created in places where they were never intended. More importantly, people are working, relaxing, exercising, and even socializing from the comfort of their own homes.

The Growing Demand for Digital Content at Home

Many people who are now isolating themselves never imagined they would be physically cut off from their jobs and routines.

This has fueled the now-dominant push into e-commerce for goods that can be purchased online and delivered without the need for human contact. Even if your company doesn't sell physical products, you can still join the trend and help the millions of people who work from home.

To connect with the massive work-at-home and isolating audience, you don't have to sell online products. You can, instead, create digital content. Content that can be enjoyed from the comfort of one's own home is in high demand, just as products that can be ordered remotely are.

Those who are unable to attend in-person training are looking for classes online. Those who are unable to participate in their regular group activities are forming groups to video-share their home activities.

By creating digital content for those working from home and sheltering in place, you can both build your brand and help the at-home population.

Take a look at what you have to offer.

The first step is to evaluate what your brand and team can provide. Every company is an expert in something, and most teams have enough knowledge to contribute quality online content. Say you're a massage therapist who is currently unable to work in no-contact environments. You can still apply your knowledge to some fantastic tips and advice for people who need to relax at home but can't go out for a massage.

During a lockdown, if your company provides financial services, you can still provide consultations online and create some amazing content with financial tips.

Right now, people want to know how to deal with the lockdown in every aspect of their lives. Individuals, professionals, and businesses can all benefit from your expertise if you figure out how to share it effectively. Furthermore, you can turn free content into paid lessons and resources to keep your company afloat.

How to Create Valuable Digital Content for Your Clients Who Work From Home

1. Create High-Quality Educational Content

Begin with the most basic methods of sharing educational content, such as through the written word. It's fine if you're not an accomplished writer. Work with a writer or simply take your time to organize your ideas and observations.

Write as if you're conversing with a friend who isn't an expert in your field. If you lay it out in a practical manner, your audience will understand what you're getting at. You can easily break into three types of business educational content: blogs, your own help section, and educational content like e-books and classes.

2. Add Insightful Articles to Your Blog

Your own blog is the best place to start. Your blog is not only a great place to improve your writing skills, but it also serves as high-quality inbound marketing. Readers will be drawn to blogs written with your expertise behind them, rather than the usual filler content.

3. Complete the Help Section of Your Website

The next step is to expand your website's support resources. On the homepage or about page, some brands have only a few facts, while others have extensive categorized informational resources. With a collection of well-written articles, you can quickly transform your brand from one to the other.

Create a coronavirus-related section of your help resources, informing potential customers and others about smart decisions and options during the lockdown.

4. Create New Educational Series and e-books

Create content that you can sell after you've created inbound content that sells your expertise and provides useful tips. Professionals and businesses in need of your insights can buy well-written and copy-edited e-books and educational series content.

Your content is now in high demand, where previously they might have sought in-office consultations. New educational content and content that fills current gaps are worth paying for as an expert in your field, whatever that field is.

5. Teach Video Lessons and Host Classes

What about those who instruct, present, or guide in a hands-on manner? Because writing can't always convey everything, you might be able to provide a far better online resource by using video instead.

You can turn your professional skills into online content almost as easily as you can apply them in your normal work routine, from appliance repair to physical fitness.
You can conduct live classes, record structured lessons, or simply create short video clips for microlearning and social media.

6. Host Live Stream Classes

Hosting shared online experiences is one of the best things you can do for the suddenly-at-home community. For example, by hosting a live-streamed video class, fitness and martial arts instructors can lead their classes, both regular students and newcomers. Cooking classes, workshops, and tutoring sessions can all be hosted by chefs, artists, and teachers.

Bring people together and help them feel less alone. People can reclaim the sense of camaraderie and community they used to feel when they attended classes in person by doing the same thing at the same time.

7. Create and Distribute Video Lessons

You can also make video lessons that are static. You can create entire collections of video lessons that will become invaluable if you are more comfortable filming a video than editing and releasing it to the public. Video lessons aid visual learning of skills and concepts.

Natural visual learners rely on video lessons to grasp new concepts, and videos are the only way to remotely teach any type of learner some hands-on skills.

8. Video Clips for Micro-Learning

Micro-learning is a relatively new approach to workplace training and online instruction. A micro-learning unit is a short lesson that focuses on a single aspect of a subject. They are frequently made available in-line to demonstrate how to complete a specific task or sub-task on the job. Because lessons are accessed (and can be used as a reminder) during the actual workflow when the information is most relevant, micro-learning is incredibly effective for delivering training that sticks.

Micro-learning videos aren't just for in-line training, though. They're also great for teasers and social media clips.

9. Disseminate Inspiring Content

Everyone has had their fill of serious warnings and business updates during this globally difficult time. Keep doing what you're doing if your brand has an upbeat personality and creates uplifting content.

More than ever, your audience will look to you to assist them in doing the necessary during the pandemic. Share amusing anecdotes and interesting facts. Continue to write in a positive tone, and encourage your community to do the same by sharing their positive thoughts.

10. Collate Work-at-Home Tips

You can also create an entire blog series about at-home topics that is in high demand. You can either talk about the pandemic directly or write standalone blogs that can be used now and in the future when more balanced telecommuting standards are reinstated. Don't just rehash what's already been said; come up with your own approaches to the at-home situation.

Use your own industry knowledge and expertise to provide answers, tips, and solutions once more. Divorce lawyers, for example, are assisting with custody issues during the lockdown. Repair services are expanding their home-repair content, and software companies, of course, are all over the place assisting teams in finding remote working solutions.

Your content has the potential to aid in the industry's recovery.

Adapting to the post-COVID economy is a risky proposition for any business, especially if you don't have any products to sell during the e-commerce boom. You are, however, not yet out of the game. You can build your brand and sell in-demand digital products by creating unique, high-value digital content in the form of written work and videos.

Your online industry content, training materials, and resources could help to rebuild the industry as whole companies rebuild themselves through remote work. Regardless of the industry.


  1. Stick to your everyday ‘work routine’ - don’t go as far as putting your shoes and jacket on, but set your alarm, get dressed, make that must have morning coffee and get your laptop set up. Read: five essential tips for working from home.


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